
četvrtak , 02.01.2014.

I know it's kind of lame to write a blog at this point in time. But hey, I'm lame. And I'm not afraid to admit it. So you'll just have to deal with it.
Ok honestly, what inspired me to start this blog is Jenna. You know Jenna Hamilton from the series Awkward? I just find her awesome and find writing kind of relieving in a way so I said hey why not give it a try. Can't hurt anyone..
My problem is, I don't really have much to write about. My life is not as interesting as hers (Jenna's..although she is not a real person so I guess it's not really a fair comparison..) I do not have a boyfriend, not even a candidate for that matter.. My friends are cool but not as interesting as hers are and my parents are (thank you God!) pretty normal. Well they try to be at least..
Nevertheless, I'll try to find a topic to write about, just for that one peron that is going to take their time and read my post. (Will there be one person?? We'll see I guess..) sretan